Door Finger Guards Buyers Guide Risk Assessment Installation Prices Contact Us
DoorTECH provide a range of innovative products designed to eliminate ALL risk of finger trapping injuries related to both the hinge AND handle side of doors and gates.
Finger protection should be compulsory in any environment, where children and adults are prone to getting their finger trapped. Door finger guards take away the risk of a door causing an injury. The specialist safety hinges are durable, inexpensive and easy to fit. door finger guards, do protect your fingers from finger trapping
Domestic home, restaurants, hotels public buildings all need to have finger trapping devices. DoorTECH also provide door finger guards for schools and nurseries. The elderly and disabled are also vulnerable to any form of finger trap and would benefit from having these safety hinges in place. Any person young or old in a public place could potentially be a victim of door related accidents. Make sure your place of business is safe and has door finger guards in place.
DoorTECH wants to put an end to finger trapping and make people understand that there are real dangers of not having these safety hinges in place. Getting your finger trapped can result in serious physical and mental trauma as well as possible amputation. Finger injury can be prevented by installing door finger guards, eliminating the risk of anyone getting their finger trapped. Door safety hinges are no longer a want but a must in any commercial or school environment.
Contact the team at DoorTECH for supply and installation of door finger guards for schools’, nurseries and commercial business. Call us on: 01202 862 483
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